Monday, July 02, 2007

Really Fucking Wet

Hello campers!


Fuck off you sodden bastards!

So anyway I went camping on my birthday weekend and it was really, really rainy. I mean pretty much non-stop rain here guys. It was very amusing though and relief came in the form of steak and ale pies, cosmopolitans, toasted marshmallows and sleeping inside cars.

Our £15 tent from ASDA didn't really cut the waterproofing mustard, so we called it the Cockaleekie Sog. Now she's stuffed into her 'handy carry sack', rotting in her own worthless moistness. This will hopefully learn her for masquerading as a tent when she is, clearly, three blue umbrellas stitched together by some blind lady in Asdastan WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND ABOUT BRITISH SUMMERS.


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